Wednesday, July 3, 2013

How Music Lessons can help teenage angst

If you are a parent of a soon to be teenager, you should think about enrolling them in music lessons. Music is a great outlet for feelings and anger and the infamous teenage angst. Weather your kid is a guitarist or bassist, there are millions of opportunities that music lessons can provide. The fact is the teenage years are some of the hardest in any persons life. There is so much pressure to be better and do amazing things. Music lessons can make your child relax and feel like they are doing something great with their life. Music has been an outlet for people for years. Numerous studies have been done with music and the fact is it can calm your stress and make you more relaxed. Getting music lessons can also make your child feel great about something their doing, like they are accomplishing something great when they pluck on the guitar string or slap the bass. I was once an angry teenager, and my parents thought the best thing for me was to play some music to get all of the angst and anger out. Now I play music almost every day and I am more calm and myself, and that makes me happy with my life and like I accomplished something. If you live in Atlanta, you're in luck there is a great teacher in your reach here.

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