Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Ideal age to Start taking Music Lesson

Music is something that connects people in many ways. Music is a universal language that everyone seems to speak and know a lot about. Which is why it is understandable that you would want your child to learn how to play music throughout their life. But when is a good age to start your child with music lessons? You don’t want to seem like one of those pushy parents trying to have your children become a world famous pianist at the age of 13. You just want your child to experience the joys and creativity of learning music and the satisfaction that can be felt while playing music.
The truth is, an introduction to music can be started at a young age. You can get your child a toy instrument and see how well the express interest in it. You next step is to have someone start teaching them Piano, because piano is the foundation of almost all instruments and one of the best to have your child learn at a younger age. As you child starts to grow older though, you will want to introduce them to other instruments. Ask them what instrument interests them and they will want to play. You will also want to ask them what genre or style of music they are interested in, give them musical freedom in what they want to play. Once you figure that out, you will want to look around for your local music instructors. They will be able to provide the best music lessons for your growing child’s unique style of music. As your child grows up, they will develop more skills and start to play more fluently.

In conclusion, there is no specific age to start learning music. Children will grow up with music their whole entire life. If they are expressing interest in learning and playing, then let them learn and play. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

How to Approach learning an instrument

If you have a desire to learn music, you probably have bought yourself and instrument and learned how to play a few chords. You will keep progressing and learning new things, but eventually you may end up stuck at a certain level of playing and not know how to progress. One of the best things you can do is find a music teacher who will help you learn how to play better, faster, and more accurate.
The approach most music teachers take is like teaching a new language. First they will teach you how to talk, then read and write. Your music teacher will first teach you how to play some of your favorite songs, then they will teach you the musical theory behind the songs and why they are written that way and the significance of it.

This is the approach most teachers will take while giving you music lessons. Some other parts may vary, but just know that your music teacher will provide the best experience while learning music that they have to offer.  v

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Benefits of Learning Guitar

Many people in the world play guitar. Everyone at least once in their life has to pick up a guitar and strum along from time to time. But did you know that learning guitar can provide exponential benefits to you and your way of life.
The first thing that guitar is good for is brain activity. Playing guitar has been proven from time to time to improve brain function and make you have a better memory. Guitar increases your memory too, makes your brain sharper. It gives you the ability to memorize things easier. Learning guitar can also provide better perseverance, it will make you be more persistent in your day to day life to get things done because you will be trying your hardest to pluck the right string or strum the right rhythm.
One of the biggest mental factors that learning guitar does is relieve stress and bring personal fulfillment. Music has been proven over and over again to relieve stress just by listening to it, so playing it will relieve stress and also make you feel accomplished with your life. This accomplishment will come from learning how to play your favorite song, or finally being able to play that challenging lead. Playing guitar promotes calming and fulfillment with oneself.

Now, if you have decided to start playing guitar after reading only a handful of the benefits of it, how will you go about doing it? One of the best things you can do is take guitar lessons. Guitar lessons are great because your guitar instructor will be able to help you learn in a timely manner and be able to play how and what you want throughout your guitar playing career. Many guitar instructors will assign personal goals for you to accomplish, which will make you want to strive towards them and will bring you great fulfillment when you do. Learning to play a guitar can provide you with amazing health benefits. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Learning music can help you connect with people

Learning music can help you connect with people Music is something that is universal. Everyone in the world seems to speak the language of music. Learning an instrument will help you connect with people more easily. There have been studies done on musicians and how calm and at peace they are with the world. It is true, as a musician myself I don't feel angry as easily and I owe that all too learning music! I took some music lessons and eventually got good at playing my guitar, every since then I can connect to almost any musician who plays music. Music has been proven to connect everyone in the world and if everyone played a musical instrument the world would be a better place.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

How Music Lessons can help teenage angst

If you are a parent of a soon to be teenager, you should think about enrolling them in music lessons. Music is a great outlet for feelings and anger and the infamous teenage angst. Weather your kid is a guitarist or bassist, there are millions of opportunities that music lessons can provide. The fact is the teenage years are some of the hardest in any persons life. There is so much pressure to be better and do amazing things. Music lessons can make your child relax and feel like they are doing something great with their life. Music has been an outlet for people for years. Numerous studies have been done with music and the fact is it can calm your stress and make you more relaxed. Getting music lessons can also make your child feel great about something their doing, like they are accomplishing something great when they pluck on the guitar string or slap the bass. I was once an angry teenager, and my parents thought the best thing for me was to play some music to get all of the angst and anger out. Now I play music almost every day and I am more calm and myself, and that makes me happy with my life and like I accomplished something. If you live in Atlanta, you're in luck there is a great teacher in your reach here.